Wednesday, January 6, 2010

God's Provision

"Are any of you suffering hardships? You should pray. Are any of you happy? You should sing praises." James 5:13

Hardship fell on my house recently, I lost my job. It came out of nowhere, there was no warning...just there one day and gone the next. It was quickly apparent how many comforts we had become accustomed to. It was also quickly apparent that there was not enough money to keep just the basic needs met for a household this size.
Now, the old Kim would have quickly fallen apart and been extremely angry and vengeful in this situation. However, my Father has made a transformation in me...thank You Jesus!! You see, I didn't get angry. Instead, I prayed. I prayed with fervor. I was filled with such a peace about the situation and very clearly was told that it would be ok, I just need to rely on Him and rest in Him. He even showed me that I had prayed for things to be removed from my life that got in the way of my relationship with Him, and this job most definitely did that. So, as crazy as it sounds, I thanked Him. I thanked Him for opening my eyes to what I do have that can't be taken (His love, my relationship with Him) and then thanked Him in advance for taking care of my family as we go through this time.
It was only a week or two into it when things got hairy. There was no money to go to the grocery store. I prayed. By the end of the day, He provided me an income that would cover the food bill. Soon it was that we lost our phone and internet. Yes, these are items on a normal basis I could live without. But, I was in my last week of school, which was over the internet, so it really was a necessity at that point. Again I prayed, again He provided that very day through an amazing couple at church the exact amount that I needed to cover that bill. Soon after was the car insurance...again I prayed...that day I got a phone call from a friend who said she had sent me a couple books I should be getting in the next day or so. I received them the next day....tucked into one of the books was a check for the amount that I needed to pay the car insurance. Then there were the amazing people that He sent gifts for the kids through so that they had Christmas. As if all of that is not enough, He kept on giving. On the very day that the food ran out and the water was about to be shut off, these things were taken care of by way of the battle I had been in with unemployment coming to an end in my favor.
Friends, our God is faithful and He never forsakes us. In this time of trial, He did not turn His back on me but instead loved me and provided for me and comforted me as only my Father could. I am thankful that I was given another opportunity to grow in Him. James 1:2-3 says, "Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow."