Tuesday, November 4, 2008

and there it is...

So, today has been a weird day. To begin with I don't feel well at all.....but it isn't holding me like it normally would. Then I got into this mode of trying to simplify the things in my house. I get this overwhelming feeling that there is too much clutter. I have to sometimes really search for the things I need while the things that I rarely, if ever, touch are all over the place. So, I dug in! I started in the kitchen.....and WOW! You wouldn't think that there would be much that I could do in my small little kitchen, but wow......hubby will be a little agitated for a day or two....lol! He isn't one for change. The kitchen and the bathroom are adjoined and so, of course, the bathroom was also under attack!.....you can see where this is going, can't you? Good thing it was garbage day because I added quite a bit to the pick up! It is amazing the things I hang on to "just in case". I did put quite a bit in the donate pile, too. That is always good.
Then came the coffee.....oh how I love coffee......I was becoming overwhelmed and so decided that I should just sit and have a cup-o-joe and reflect on what it is that I am feeling....what is prompting this mood today.........HELLO......how could I have forgotten!!!!......One year ago today I was baptized! It seems like so long ago some days....other days it seems as though it was just yesterday. So, I think I was reorganizing and prioritizing the external because the internal was also doing a system check. I am at a place in my life where I don't want clutter in my mind----evidently my house, either. I don't want in my life "things". Today, I want love...I want God...I want to people...I want to be a servant! I want a simple way of living so that I have more time to give to my Lord, Jesus Christ!
So, since today is my "birthday", I am going to celebrate by shedding some weight and gaining more time to spend with Jesus!! My poor house.....and my poor husband!