Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Unstoppable Joy

Have you ever met a person that just always seems happy? That person that even in the midst of a massive storm still smiles, seems to have peace, seems to not struggle through their situation but instead seems almost to glide through it with grace?
I don't know about you, but I so long to be that person! I want people to look at me in the middle of a battle and still see patience, strength and grace. Even more than that, I hope they see joy. Joy that seems to be endless. Joy that is contagious. Joy that shows a true peace and contentment in any situation. I want them to ask how it is that I can be this way, where it comes from. You see, there is a great difference between joy and happiness, at least in my mind. To me happy comes from something. Another person or thing is in control of my environment. It is fleeting. It can be shaken. It can be taken. Joy, on the other hand, is deep seated. It isn't shaken and can't be taken. It is a state of being. It is contagious. It comes from an endless Source.
When we keep our focus on God, He fills us up. He makes us more like Him. His Presence will fill our very being. When we focus on God, He changes us from the inside out. Holy Spirit begins to produce fruit in our lives. Galatians 5:22 says, "But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There are no laws against these things!"
Lord, as I step into today I just thank You for the opportunity to be more like You. I ask that today all that You give to me spills out onto the others that I come in contact with. God today I pray that You are at the forefront of everything that I do and say so that others will see You and want more of You in their lives. Father I just ask for humility today, to remember that everything that I have is because of You and needs to be given away. Strip me of myself today and everyday so that I can be effective for Your Kingdom, Lord. I love You Lord and want only to be like You, be for You and be with You God. Let the eyes of the broken be opened today and their hearts be softened to You God. These things I ask in the name of Your perfect Son.