Saturday, January 29, 2011

Healed in the Name of Jesus!

Last Saturday I was incredibly blessed. I was able to go to Carlinville to a seminar for one of my classes. I spent a wonderful day with Jesus loving people, and it was just incredible.
On my way home, I got a phone call from my daughter. She told me that my grandson was sick. She said that he told her that he started getting sick on Friday, but forgot to tell me. I called the doctor telling them the symptoms and they 3-way called my mom and daughter to ask many, many more questions. It was decided that I would bring him to the Pediatric On-Call as soon as I got in town.
I get home, and he was just as sick as what they said he was and in just the 2 hours it took me to get home had developed other symptoms. We went straight to the doctor's office and they took us right back. It was determined that they believed he had inherited his father's kidney disease and we were going to have to go to the specialist the following week. In the mean time, just in case, they wanted him on an antibiotic just in case there was any type of infection. I knew there wasn't any infection but put him on the antibiotic anyway.
The following day, Sunday, he woke up and his symptoms were continuing to get worse. He was exhibiting in a matter of 2 days all the symptoms of IgA Nephropathy. It came on him quick and severe. In 2 days he was at the stage of where my son was over a 4 year period.
I sat down and prayed. I put him on the prayer list at church. I just knew that I needed my brothers and sisters in Christ to pray for his healing.
In all this commotion, I had forgotten that our church was having it's first 3rd Sunday service that night. I was reminded when one of our pastor's responded to my request by asking me if I would bring him to that evening's service and let the elder's anoint Aiden with oil and pray over him. OF COURSE!!! I responded back and said we would be there. The Bible says "Are any of you sick? You should call for the elders of the church to come and pray over, anointing you with oil in the name of the Lord. Such a prayer offered in faith will heal the sick, and the Lord will make you well. And if you have committed any sins, you will be forgiven." (James 5:14-15)
Now let me tell you what happened next. We went to that service. There was an amazing time of praise and worship. There was an incredible word spoken. Then there was a call for prayer. We went forward. As I held my grandson, the pastors surrounded him and anointed him with oil and they prayed. One was at his back, he had both hands on him, one on each kidney. Some prayed in their prayer language, others prayed in English. But they were all petitioning God on Aiden's behalf. When they were finished, we returned to our seats and continued to praise Jesus. Within ten minutes, Aiden had to use the restroom. I took him in and EVERY SYMPTOM HE HAD WAS GONE! Praise Jesus he was healed! It has been almost a week now and not a symptom! He goes on Monday for renal sonograms and I can't wait to testify that there is nothing abnormal on that test.
When Aiden and I spoke about his experience, it was awesome. He told me that he was happy that the pastors were talking to Jesus for him. He said that his back was really warm, maybe a little hot, when those hands were on him. I explained to him that Jesus was touching him right then and was healing his kidneys at that moment. He said, "Jesus has the best hugs." LOL! He told many of what happened and he has no doubt that his Jesus loves him and healed him.
Praise God .... and do you know that faith like a child is where it's at!? That child didn't doubt for a second, he trusted Jesus. He didn't question how it had happened that he was healed or why. To him it was easy to believe that his Jesus loves him so much that he took his pain away and made everything all right again. Hallelujah!!!!

Did I forget to mention that my grandson is only 4 years old! He knew that "those men were talking to Jesus" just for him.....he interpreted the healing touch as a hug from Jesus.......and the doctor called on Monday to let me know that "the antibiotic was unnecessary, there was no type of infection found and so we will get him in to the specialist and go from there"
Praise You Jesus that Your name is greater than any other name....including the name of IgA Nephropathy! Hallelujah!